Blush: YOU NEED IT. Start using it...stat.
Drugstore Pick: BLUSHES It makes you look alive....makes you look less tired....makes you look younger....and makes you look....BETTER....

EXTRAS: We need 'em.
DRUGSTORE PICKS: EXTRAS While we still have a few SERIOUS heavy-hitters left of Drugstore-month...(foundation, contour kits and lips...

Dab it out.
DRUGSTORE PICKS: Sponges/Blenders If you haven't heard of the beauty blender....or seen these freaky little sponge-creatures in...

Drugstore Pick: Bronzer
Bronzer. We need it, we love it, we over-use it. Applied the wrong way = Jersey Shore Applied the right way = Thinner cheeks, skinnier...

Drugstore Pick: Highlight Stick
Oh Sonia Kashuk, you do me so right. So obsessed with this suuuper easy to use, suuuuuper pretty Highlight stick. Highlighting is the...

Brows is kind. Brows is smart. Brows is important. Too far? Nope. Brows frame your face, bring structure to your eye-area and are a...

It's baaaaaaaaaack. Drugstore Month is HERE. And it's even better than last year.
Welcome to February. ...to the semi-end of winter, ...to the saddest month of the year for us Seattleites, (RIP Superbowl 49) ...and to...

Drugstore Pick #13: BRUSHES > Everything else
Let me rattle off a list of things that brushes can and usually improve: Excessively oily-skin Breakouts Foundation that looks too thin...